2018.08.16 - Day #98 - Be more social, have more fun

To PCT mile 2139.2 (stats here).

As I am not in a hurry now, I did not trouble myself too much about getting up early. I got up 6am and started moving 7am. The night was okay, and I ate a protein bar and prepared my breakfast while inside the bugnet.

I feel like this dude now.

The leg felt about the same as previous day. The strategy was the same as well: walk slowly and do not agitate the left foot too much, keep the ankle straight and do the exercises and massaging every two hours. After my first break, Nemo caught up with me. We ended up hiking together until my next break. It was nice to have hiking company after a long while. Time goes by without you evening noticing it. The same is true about acknowledging the enviornment, but I was happy to have the distraction. Nemo is an intelligent and cool guy. We talked about peoples motivations and attitudes for the trail, how many people when getting away from the trail forget their resolutions and insights and just get back into the daily grind. We also talked about veganism and the state of the modern society.

During the second break, Butterfly Kisses joined the party. He and Nemo both use Soylent to balance out their hiking diet. I am interested doing that and thinking about trying it out whenver I am gonna do a next longer hike. Our break happened in an official spot where there was a picnic table and strangely a trash can. You do not see them that often and it was overflooded. After a while, a ranger came with her van and started to clean up the mess. We helped her to carry the whole thing to the back of the van, as it does not make sense to have such a thing in a remote place like that. It becomes a mess quickly and animals make the situation worse.

Seems a bit fragile place for a nest, no?

Nemo and Butterfly Kisses continued before me and I continued the rest of the day hiking alone. The social moment gave a needed boost to my morale. After few miles I arrived to a lake, where I dipped in quickly. Lakes have became scarcer. You could tell the area was popular with locals as if you checked around, you could see toilet paper all around. Disgusting how some people do not bother even to bury it properly.

Dare to step in?

I had the same problem as the previous day with the camp site. All the tent sites were before the next reasonable water source and I dit not want to carry water for that long. One comment in Guthooks said that there would be a small tent site a bit after the water source, so I gambled with that. My resolution was made stronger when the last actual tent site before the source was full of hikers. Like often is the case in a situation like this, the spot was already taken. I managed to squeeze a cowboy camp on the edge of the area, though. The other occupant was 42, a female hiker that I last saw in the very beginning of the trail. She had skipped many areas due to the fires and injuries. As there was so little space, I did not put the bugnet on. Luckily, the site was on a edge of a burned area so there were not that many bugs. There was a sound of train, a sure sign that we are near a proper town.
