2018.07.31 - Day #82 - Craters, lakes and combinations

To PCT mile 1826.4 (stats here).

I got up already 4:15am because others at the camp were already busy getting their stuff together. I was happy about this and started to assemble my camp as well. The night was well slept, I even went and took a leak. More often than not I just hold it in until I get up, which does not help with the quality of sleep.

I started hiking 5am, while it was still dark. Long time since needed the head lamp for hiking. I kept a good pace as it was a bit chilly. Taking water from the first creek after 1.5 miles made my fingers pretty numb. The coldness was not the only reason for keeping a good pace. I wanted to get quickly to Crater Lake or Mazama Village in order to have time to catch up with the blog.

I ripped my shirt and shorts to the burned, hard branches. Should be more careful.

I kept leap frogging with the South African couple that I shared the camp with. Every time I kept a break, they went past, and vice versa. I started half an hour later, and then in the end I did not bother to take a break anymore as it was only few miles to the village. I did 12.6 miles before 10am, and were at Mazama around 1pm. Before getting into the village, I saw Auston who had enough food and was just continuing. He told me that some friends would be joining him after few days for hiking, so our cat-and-mouse play continues, even as he is a much faster hiker.

I got the package from Mazama general store. Mikko had dutifully halved the contents of the box, which was good. There was plenty as I still had some food left. I bought some chocolade powder and chocolade and went to the restaurant. I wanted to try out the Impossible Burger that they had in their menu. And I wanted to catch up with my blog. There was no free wifi and even the paid one was awfully, so I had no chance to do the actual updating, but at least I could write.

The burger was not that great but I was able to catch up the blog. Butterfly joined me after a while, and eventually we left to continue the hike around 5pm. The endless refills of cola had left me full of sugars and the dreaded ascend of 1000ft in 1 mile to the rim of the actual Crater Lake felt like nothing. We felt a rush as we saw a black bear with her cub while doing the climb. They ran away immediately after seeing us.

Crater Lake and a pretty good visibility!

Crater Lake was amazing. In the evening the smoke had cleared and you could actually see it. People told me that during the day you could not see anything. I made the decision to continue hiking to the next camping site, which turned out to be a good choice. I could see the lake properly. I also caught a nice sun set. The camp site was offtrail one mile, but I was happy to go there as it meant I could get water from there as well. I set up my tent next to Old Timers tent around 8pm. Even with the 3.5h break midday I was able to hit the 30 mile marker, which was good.

Ah, the sunsets. A reason to hike late.


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