2018.06.08 - Day #29 - First view of the Sierras

To PCT mile 612 (stats here).

The night was a bit windy, and the nearby wind turbines also contributed to the noise. I did not sleep superbly, but still better than in the motel the previous night. The habit of ignoring alarm continued and I got up 5:10am when there was other movement in the camp. This time I kept no hurry to get moving. I put my breakfast soaking, some lyco tape to my blister, filtered water and left 5:45m. Micah stayed at the camp.

The trail when sun is getting up.

I started relatively fast as I felt that I wanted to make up the slow morning. I also decided to heed to my 2 hours walking and then a break - strategy. My habbit now is to walk the first two hours by just listening to the environment, and then maybe after that listen an audio book or music. Today was such a day. Especially as there was little social contact. Micah caught up with me on my 6 hour break at a water source, but I left that early and was alone again. There were lot of other people on that water source, all having a goal to finish at this specific tent site at a top with apparently great views of the forthcoming Sierras.

A snake! I wish I would see more animals. Other hikers seem to see way more.

After leaving from the 6 hour break spot, I was overtaken by a young hiker with a pace that resembled trail running. The dude had started on 16th of May, 5 days after me. I could not match that kind of pace even if I wanted. Then again it is hard to want, as it feels already now that one does not pay enough attention to the surroundings.

Sierras in the distance.

I arrived to the famous tent site with rocks and a view of the Sierras about 7pm. The sun was about to set, and the views were nice. I changed my camp spot once as I spotted that between the rocks there was a nice, flat and secluded space. Little did it help with the wind, which picked up as the sun set. It seems that either the area itself is very windy, or there is something going on with the weather now.


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