To PCT mile 1511.1 (stats here).
The night was really hot and I could not be inside the sleeping bag. As I was cowboy camping, the mosquitos had eaten my hands so that they were all spotty. Need to start utilising the bugnet more. I got up 4:45am and going 5:30am, when it was still dark. It was too little sleep but I wanted to get to town early.
I am not good going uphill. But this morning I was doing okay. The first 10 miles was going up, and then the rest of the miles coming down. When at the top, I kept my first break. I noticed that I had cell reception. Checking my email, I was irritated to learn that my shoes were not shipped. RunnersWarehouse required a credit card verification check and they only informed me about this the previous day, 3 days after the order. Well, I still wanted to get to the post office early as I wanted to do few packages of my own.
Having a coffee on my break hastened the workings of my bowel so I paid a visit to the woods soon after. These things combined made going the downhill pleasant and fast. At the bottom there was a box of trail magic. Having a root beer and some fruit were very welcoming as the day started to be really hot.
Getting to the so called "town", which consisted of a gas station and a post office, meant taking a 2.5 mile side trail. It was not that well marked and I ended up taking a wrong turn two times. It was not until 1:30pm when I finally got there. Bandit arrived soon after. He was surprised to see my name in the trail register at the trail magic location as he was sure I was still some 10 miles behind him.
I got my resupply box from the gas station slash market, and then went to the post office. There I divided the food from the box in two, and sent the other half towards Seiad Valley. I estimate that there is food for 6 days in my prepared boxes. That is too much to carry comfortably. I also sent my puff jacket, beanie and gloves to Susanna. They really are not needed at the moment.
I used the cell reception to order new shoes, once again. I did this straight from Hoka, and to be delivered to a hostel, so there should be no problems with general delivery. We started hiking around 5pm, and intended to do 6 miles. With Bandit keeping the pace, I was able to do well with the climb. It was not until 9pm when we hit the camp, though. We also needed to get water a bit further with the aid of a head lamp. Would be nice to make camp when it is light for once. I put my bugnet next a female hiker who said she would be up as early as 4am. I did not have anything against this as I would surely need encouragement in getting up the next morning.
The night was really hot and I could not be inside the sleeping bag. As I was cowboy camping, the mosquitos had eaten my hands so that they were all spotty. Need to start utilising the bugnet more. I got up 4:45am and going 5:30am, when it was still dark. It was too little sleep but I wanted to get to town early.
I am not good going uphill. But this morning I was doing okay. The first 10 miles was going up, and then the rest of the miles coming down. When at the top, I kept my first break. I noticed that I had cell reception. Checking my email, I was irritated to learn that my shoes were not shipped. RunnersWarehouse required a credit card verification check and they only informed me about this the previous day, 3 days after the order. Well, I still wanted to get to the post office early as I wanted to do few packages of my own.
Having a coffee on my break hastened the workings of my bowel so I paid a visit to the woods soon after. These things combined made going the downhill pleasant and fast. At the bottom there was a box of trail magic. Having a root beer and some fruit were very welcoming as the day started to be really hot.
A trail magic box! |
Getting to the so called "town", which consisted of a gas station and a post office, meant taking a 2.5 mile side trail. It was not that well marked and I ended up taking a wrong turn two times. It was not until 1:30pm when I finally got there. Bandit arrived soon after. He was surprised to see my name in the trail register at the trail magic location as he was sure I was still some 10 miles behind him.
I got my resupply box from the gas station slash market, and then went to the post office. There I divided the food from the box in two, and sent the other half towards Seiad Valley. I estimate that there is food for 6 days in my prepared boxes. That is too much to carry comfortably. I also sent my puff jacket, beanie and gloves to Susanna. They really are not needed at the moment.
The "town". |
I used the cell reception to order new shoes, once again. I did this straight from Hoka, and to be delivered to a hostel, so there should be no problems with general delivery. We started hiking around 5pm, and intended to do 6 miles. With Bandit keeping the pace, I was able to do well with the climb. It was not until 9pm when we hit the camp, though. We also needed to get water a bit further with the aid of a head lamp. Would be nice to make camp when it is light for once. I put my bugnet next a female hiker who said she would be up as early as 4am. I did not have anything against this as I would surely need encouragement in getting up the next morning.
Going up in the evening provided some rocky views. |
Ordered a running hat from Runners Warehouse. Same thing with the credit card confirmation -1,5 days after doing the order.