
2018.08.24 - Day #106 - Not a nice detour

2018.08.23 - Day #105 - Beaty and chilly

2018.08.22 - Day #104 - A nice day out of a nice town

2018.08.21 - Day #103 - Rush to the Post Office

2018.08.20 - Day #102 - Finding some groove

2018.08.19 - Day #101 - This new state does not seem fun so far

2018.08.18 - Day #100 - Entering Washington

2018.08.17 - Day #99 - PCT Days

2018.08.16 - Day #98 - Be more social, have more fun

2018.08.15 - Day #97 - You should not wreck the leg

2018.08.14 - Day #96 - Rest the leg, but no more tomorrow, part 3

2018.08.13 - Day #95 - Rest the leg, crazy already, part 2

2018.08.12 - Day #94 - Rest the leg, go grazy, part 1

2018.08.11 - Day #93 - Let the zeroes begin

2018.08.10 - Day #92 - Little help affects a lot

2018.08.09 - Day #91 - Well, Pain, I guess you are here to stay